A little taste of my life
Mornings start off pretty late around here, thank goodness. Hubby leaves around 7:30 or so for work, oldest son is already out the door (his day does not start late, poor boy, he’s on the bus for school by 6:45). And my youngest baby wakes up around 8 usually. Some days she even stays asleep till 9!
First it’s clean up from the night before, I spend my nights crocheting so the clean dishes from the night before still need to be put away and the mornings dishes need to be washed. Then I usually start a load of laundry or some other domestic chore.
Breakfast is next, usually an cheese omelette or scrambled eggs with fresh fruit. I usually don’t eat until later but my toddler is ravenous in the morning, well actually she’s ravenous all day long, but I digress.
One of the keys to being a productive work at home parent is to treat it like a real job. You wouldn’t go to work in your pajama’s would you? If I’ve really got a lot to get done I make myself get dressed, it keeps me from lounging around the house when I’ve got work to do. Believe me, there’s nothing better than not having to get dressed in the morning, I know; but I find that if I’m in comfy clothes I just want to get comfy on the couch!
After breakfast we have a little play time… I crochet and check my blog, Etsy, and facebook pages while I try to keep my munchkin out of trouble. Sometimes I find its better to let her amuse herself with things she steals from drawers.
Today we had some errands to run. Our first stop was my favorite yarn shop. I love the atmosphere, its so warm and inviting.
I picked up a couple small skeins of cotton for a hat for my best friend who is expecting her second girl in March.
I just love these colors
Afterwards the little one and I took a stroll. We are so lucky to live in a seaside town. I love the ocean, couldn’t live without it.
Along the way we stopped into another small shop for some inspiration.
Everywhere I go I see inspiration. So many wonderful things that I want to create… but Christmas is upon us, so I work on some Christmas presents for family.
And write a blog post
The New and Improved Sashay Scarf Pattern
Then on to dinner… roasted chicken, mashed potatoes and gravy, corn and green beans with homemade rolls. The leftover chicken will make a delicious soup for later this week.
As it gets dark I get me little ones ready for bed and then sit on the couch with my hubby, watch a movie and crochet some more.
As you can see my day is far from “loungy”. Its a busy existence being a work at home mom and a fine balance between career and family. Someday’s I am better at one than the other but I always try to give my best to both. After all I work from home so that I can be with my kids, there’s no point in doing it if I can’t enjoy them along the way.
I’ve got many more pattern tutorials in the works, including the two scarfs that are going to be Christmas presents. One is a simple broomstick lace pattern that doesn’t require the use of a knitting needle and the other is a gorgeous star stitch pattern.
Hope you enjoyed the brief glimpse into my life… have fun and happy hookin’