Welcome to Cre8tion Crochet LIVE
Live shows air Wednesdays at 9pm EST
Tonight my guest is Keturah of The Official Crochet Savvy Online Magazine. We will be discussing the magazine, what the magazine offers not only to fans and viewers but also to bloggers, crochet pattern designers, and anyone in the yarn or crochet industry.
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- Put “/me “ in front of your message to role play.
(e.g. “/me hugs Jen” yields “* Brandon hugs Jen” in the chat rather than “<Brandon> hugs Jen”.) - Type “/nick NEWNAME” to change your nickname. Warning: there are a lot of people on the IRC server so expect the generic ones to be taken.
- If you lose connection to the chat room, the best way to get back in is to just reload the page and log in again. You may need a new nickname until the server realizes your old one is not responding.
- If the chat window is too small for you, you can use use a full-screen version at http://webchat.freenode.net. Just put in #cre8tioncrochet as the channel.
Cre8tion Crochet LIVE Episode 9. My guest is Elisabeth Spivey of Calleigh’s Clips and Crochet Creations. *disclaimer, this episode was not filmed live! Elisabeth had prior commitment during filming time.
Elisabeth is also a freelancer for Hobby Lobby. We will be discussing gauge and other fun crochet stuff!
Episode 8- 10/09/13
Turquoise Blue of This Is Crochet and I will be discussing crochet fashion!
Episode 7- 10/02/13
VERY Special Guests! Mikey and Diva Dan from The Crochet Crowd AND Donna and Amy from Crochetville along with my partner in crime, Jessie Rayot of JessieAtHome! We are having a BLAST at the Crochet Guild of America’s Knit and Crochet Show here in Charlotte, NC!!!
My guest will be Sara Freisburg of Tangled Happy. Sara and I will be discussing how to go about setting up an online store, specifically an Etsy shop.
Episode 4 Wednesday 09/04/13. Special guest “e” Lee of The Crochet Lounge and I will discuss how to get over that hump; whether it be a project you are working on, an order you have to get finished,
even starting or improving your business.
Episode 3 Wednesday 08/28/13. Special Guest Jessie Rayot, of JessieAtHome, and I discuss pattern design and organic inspiration. We also discuss our upcoming trip to the CGOA fall conference in Concord NC.
Weekly Line Up
09/18/13 Sara Freisberg of Tangled Happy
09/25/13 To Be Announced
10/02/13 LIVE from the Crochet Guild of America’s Fall Knit and Crochet Conference
10/09/13 Turquoise Blue of This Is Crochet
Future episodes will cover many different crochet and crochet business related topics. If there is something you would like help with specifically please comment below and we will discuss it with the guest who is best suited to answer your question.
We will also be covering Cre8tion Crochet pattern questions and be able to provide live help. There will be a live chat during the show so you can participate with us.
If you are interested in being a guest on Cre8tion Crochet LIVE please email us at [email protected]. Put “LIVE” in the subject line, please.
If you are interested in advertising on Cre8tion Crochet LIVE please email us and put “Advertise” in the subject line. Rates for online advertising are still under consideration. You can find all our other advertising rates HERE
The first episode will be aired here. You can also check it out in syndication on my youtube channel. We will also be having a live chat room. You will sign up below when the show is live to be included in the conversation.
Advertising is available click –> HERE for more info
Have fun and as always…
happy hookin’