I’ve spent the day making more necklaces… I guess is my latest kick. I spent part of the day making flowers for hair accessories too, but I’ll obsess more on that later. I learned a new way of making button necklaces tonight that I rather like. I found a great tutorial for them on Littl Musings blog. http://www.littlemusingsblog.net/2010/01/quick-button-necklace-tutorial.html
Here was my first attempt
I also added another Vintage Button Necklace
As well as three more Crochet Ring Necklaces
I’m having a lot of fun with jewelry right now, though only some of it is crochet. I have a few more patterns in the works that will be added soon, as well as a post from a featured guest blogger. If there is anything any of my followers would like to see, simply ask!!!
Happy Hookin’